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42 U Evolution A3 Server Cabinet, 600*1000*42 U with L Typ

  • 42 U Evolution A3 Server Cabinet, 600*1000*42 U with L Typ
  • 42 U Evolution A3 Server Cabinet, 600*1000*42 U with L Typ
Preço : Mt53,950.00
Tipo : Venda
Data : Abril 2, 2022
Localização : Maputo Cidade

Discrição :

42 U Evolution A3 Server Cabinet, 600*1000*42 U with L Type, with 2 Fixed Shelves, with 4 Fans German Type Cord and Plug, 6 Outlet Germany Type Pdu, with Keyboard and Mouse Panel, without 2 U Drawer, 2″ Heavy Duty Castor, M12 Jacking Feet, Inner 6 Angle Screw and Nuts (bolts 12 U)



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