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Apartamento para alugar

*Excellent 3 bedroom apartment for rent at Julius Nyerere

  • *Excellent 3 bedroom apartment for rent at Julius Nyerere
  • *Excellent 3 bedroom apartment for rent at Julius Nyerere
  • *Excellent 3 bedroom apartment for rent at Julius Nyerere
  • *Excellent 3 bedroom apartment for rent at Julius Nyerere
Preço : Mt85,000.00
Tipo : Venda
Data : Março 28, 2023
Localização : Maputo Cidade


Discrição :

*Excellent spacious T3 apartment for rent in the old building on Julius Nyerere overlooking the sea*
– T3
– Three bedroom (including a suite)
– A WC for the remaining 2 bedrooms
– common room
– Desk
– Regular Kitchen
– WC for employee
– It also has a balcony that can be accessed from the living room and the suite
For only: 85,000 negotiable mzn



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